Risk Disposition and The Return To Work – Why Some People Can’t Wait To Get Back To The Office and Others Want To Stay Home

Risk Disposition and The Return To Work – Why Some People Can’t Wait To Get Back To The Office and Others Want To Stay Home

Slowly but surely, the world of non-essential services is starting to contemplate and process the transition from working at home to being back in the workplace. Under the guidance and recommendations of public health groups, many people are starting to make the mental shift back to the idea of working in a group setting and…

Peanut Butter & Jelly: The Magical Combination of Self-Awareness and Emotional Expression

Peanut Butter & Jelly: The Magical Combination of Self-Awareness and Emotional Expression

Being in the business of people development means we’re generally focused on meeting the needs of others. Helping others build capabilities, expand perspectives, and understand how they can help their teams get from Point A to Point B. This sometimes means that during our typical busy, fast-paced client-focused workday, we tend to deprioritize an activity…

Emotional Intelligence and Physical Fitness: The Links to my Happiness Scale

Emotional Intelligence and Physical Fitness: The Links to my Happiness Scale

For myself, physical wellness has been a lifelong journey directly contributing to my personal well-being and happiness. Fitness and movement are a consistent “go to” in my world for stress management, and simple soul-filling experiences. When I first learned about the Well-Being Indicator, and specifically, the concept of Happiness in the EQ-i 2.0 model, I…

The Role of Hardiness in Emotional Intelligence, And How You Can Measure It
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The Role of Hardiness in Emotional Intelligence, And How You Can Measure It

Why is it that some people are better at handling stress than others? Why do some people believe they have a great deal of control over their lives, while others feel that life is just something that happens to them? Why, when one person sees an insurmountable challenge, does someone else sees the same situation…

Seven Emotional Intelligence Books You Should Read – Updated

Seven Emotional Intelligence Books You Should Read – Updated

If one of your commitments for 2021 is to read more (an admirable goal), here are some suggestions for learning more about emotional intelligence. I originally published this blog post in 2014 with just four books, and those selections still hold today. Over time I have added more books, each one of which offers something…