Role of Hardiness in EQ
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The Role of Hardiness in Emotional Intelligence, And How You Can Measure It

Why is it that some people are better at handling stress than others? Why do some people believe they have a great deal of control over their lives, while others feel that life is just something that happens to them? Why, when one person sees an insurmountable challenge, does someone else sees the same situation…

impact of eq certification

How Certification in EQi/EQ360 Impacted my Personal and Professional Practice

Whammo. There it was, my full EQi results. All of my scores with nicely colored bars drawing my eye to each one I deemed “low”. A self-admitted type A personality, I was excited about all of the “high scores” I had.  “Yes!  I thought, nailed it, I AM emotionally intelligent”. …and then I had my personal debrief and learned…