Strategic Planning
Great organizations know where they are going – they don’t get there by accident. Without a plan, how do you know where you are going? How will you know how to get there? How will you know when you reach your goals? Yet many teams, departments and organizations spend every day doing exactly this – working away towards some vague long term objective, often on equally vague short term projects, initiatives, or busy work. Strategic leaders are capable of navigating complexities, seizing opportunities, and driving sustainable growth.
Our tried and tested strategic planning process will lead you through an effective, efficient planning process – one that you will walk away from with a comprehensive strategic planning framework that can be applied directly to your own organizational contexts. Your strategic plan includes clear vision and solid, accountable actions while fostering flexibility within changing and complex environments. Effective strategic planning results in the following outcomes:
- Trust
- Alignment
- Shared Vision, Mission and Values
- Common Language
- Concrete Strategic Focus Areas and Initiatives
- Supporting Tactical Workplans

Our half-day, full-day or multi-day Strategic Planning Workshops are designed to hold the space for teams to brainstorm, critically review key areas, and generate ideas that will move the organization forward. We ensure all voices are heard, outcomes are achieved, relevant content is created, and accountability is defined. Using our custom visual strategic plan we create a framework you can use in all levels of your organization. Our Strategic Planning process includes the following:
- Pre-session survey and analysis
- Strategic planning session
- Follow-up report including plan and resources
- Debrief
We also offer customized content and team building to support the team’s success.
Ready to get clear on where you want to go with your team, department or organization? Book a discovery call with our experts today and let us help you find your north star.