GROUP & CuSTOM Certification

If you are looking for a cost effective way to get a group of practitioners certified to administer and debrief today’s leading emotional intelligence, adaptability, or resilience assessments, group certification offers a range of benefits over enrolling in public courses including:

  • A customized schedule that works for you.
  • Online or in-person delivery options.
  • Specific focus on report options that you’ll use in your organization.
  • Support on integrating assessments into your organizational initiatives.
  • Mapping of concepts and competencies to your organizational leadership and talent management models.
  • Ongoing support for practitioners following certification.

We are the only approved certification training company for the EQ-i, MSCEIT, HRG, and Adaptability (AQMe, AQ Team) with offices in both the US and Canada, and can offer courses at your site, or we can work with you to identify a suitable off-site location.

Whether you want to provide highly customized certification for a small group, or your entire leadership and talent management team, we will work with you to create the exact program you are looking for.

Contact us today and find out why we are the leading provider of EQ and AQ certification in North America.

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