Emotional Intelligence and Physical Fitness: The Links to my Happiness Scale

Emotional Intelligence and Physical Fitness: The Links to my Happiness Scale

For myself, physical wellness has been a lifelong journey directly contributing to my personal well-being and happiness. Fitness and movement are a consistent “go to” in my world for stress management, and simple soul-filling experiences. When I first learned about the Well-Being Indicator, and specifically, the concept of Happiness in the EQ-i 2.0 model, I…

impact of eq certification

How Certification in EQi/EQ360 Impacted my Personal and Professional Practice

Whammo. There it was, my full EQi results. All of my scores with nicely colored bars drawing my eye to each one I deemed “low”. A self-admitted type A personality, I was excited about all of the “high scores” I had.  “Yes!  I thought, nailed it, I AM emotionally intelligent”. …and then I had my personal debrief and learned…